Is everything Paul wrote in his epistles to be considered inspired and inerrant?
Yes. The most helpful scripture in this regard is 2 Tim. 3:16 where Paul himself certifies that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…”
Doctrine relates to clear and consistent tenets of the faith such as The Deity of Christ, salvation by grace through faith based solely on the finished work of Christ on the cross, as well as other cardinal doctrines that all would agree upon.
Reproof, correction, and instruction are relating to Paul’s writings which describe his inspired journey through the sin and demon infested world, having been saved by grace and given the responsibility of teaching the church about the atoning grace of God in Christ while at the same time reproving, correcting and instructing them in the ways of grace. We might call these words of Paul to the church in a general sense, admonishments. Paul’s admonishments, unlike his doctrinal statements, are to be understood in context.
Admonishments are based on general principles of righteousness but are not doctrinal. They reflect the human side of the salvation experience. They are profitable for consideration and application in grace. The challenge is in teasing out the principle Paul is addressing in his local situation and then applying that principle in our local situation. There are many variables to consider and it takes wisdom as well as meekness to minister admonishments in grace. It is evident that Paul’s own experience of faith was progressive, developing over time. Consequently, he clearly recognized the need to address individuals in accordance with their measure of faith. There are babes who need milk and there mature believers who need meat. But at the end of every question, every matter of judgment is the ultimate truth of salvation by grace provided by Christ’s sacrifice plus nothing!
In conclusion, just because scripture is inspired and inerrant does not mean it is emphatic dogma. Much of it is difficult to sort out and apply from situation to situation. Rightly dividing the word of God is hard work and should always be done in meekness of wisdom and in love.